The 4. dritl combines real mining heritage artifacts with digital content (3D video, VR, holographic projections, mapping) in order to tell the story of our community. This local community was formed by the mining industry, which allowed the city to grow to more than 20,000 inhabitants at the time of mining.
Become a miner, go down into the mine shafts, save your fellow “knaps” (miners), get to know their private lives and, with the help of virtual technology, meet Perkmandeljc in real mining conditions, where a mining dwarf can help or make problems.
Why did the pots in the shared kitchens have tiny locks on the lids? What were the canaries doing underground? Why was the ”puher” a semi-automatic tool? Who were Marko and Hinko? Discover the answers to all these questions and many other interesting things in the 4th drill.